Terms of Membership
How to become a member
You may fill-up the prescribed application form and submit to the Librarian for application form, along with the admission fee, security amount and subscription as shown below :-

Life Member
A Class
B Class
C Class
   Admission Fee
   Life Member
   Monthly Subscription  

Subscriptions are always payable quarterly in advance on the 1st of January, April, July and October every year. In case of admission during a quarter the subscription for the remaining months of the quarter shall be refunded. For this purpose, subscriptions shall be calculated on the basis of Calender Months only.
A member will be given as many tickets as the number of books which he is entitled to borrow. The Member-ship Card is to be produced when borrowing books, and When required by the Library Staff while making use of the Member Room and the book Room. Loss of tickets must be reported to the Librarian immediately in writing. Duplicate membership card will be issued on payment of Rs.10/-
for each card. Neither books nor tickets shall be lent to another person. Book from the Reference Library and current issues of periodicals will not be lent. Members are responsible for the books borrowed on their tickets. Borrowers will be required to pay for or replace the books lost or returned in a damaged / mutilated state Books should be checked before they are taken out of the Library, and the defect, if any, should be immediately reported to the staff on duty.
Members can reserve the books on-line or otherwise. Reserved books Which are obtained will be, notified every Tuesday and may be borrowed by the allottee on any day till next Sunday. If not claimed in time they will be allotted to the next claimants in Order.

A Class
B Class
C Class
Members can reserve books on-line or at counter. The concerned member will be informed when the book is available in stock. The member shall collect the book with in the period prescribed. If not claimed with in the prescribed period the book will be allotted to the next claimant.
All books on loan must be returned at the expiration of a fortnight. They may be renewed for a further period of fortnight. No renewal is allowed further renewal should be made prior to the expiry of the first loan term.
You are expected to return borrowed volumes on or before the due date. If they are not returned when due, an overdue charge of 50 paisa per volume per day would be charged. Those Who retain any book for more than the duration of loan will not be permitted to borrow any more books until the overdue books are returned, and the overdue charges cleared.
If a book is lost while in possession of a member, he shall intimate the fact to the Librarian immediately, and should either replace or remit the cost of the book (as assessed by the Librarian) within one week after such information, if the fact that a book is missing is intimated after the due date for the return of the book, or if the member does not replace the book or pay its cost within one week after the intimation, the person concerned is liable to pay overdue charges also along with the replacement of the book or the remittance of the cost.

Withdrawals of membership shall be made in writing in the prescribed form and shall be presented at the Office one week before the commencement of the calendar month from which the withdrawal is desired failing which he will continue to be charged the usual subscriptions. The security amount is returnable on termination of membership. It is liable books or arrears of subscription and overdue charges.

The Reference Section
The reference section consist of Encyclopedia, Dictionaries, Maps, works of art books of valuable nature, books which it might be difficult to replace, bound volumes of important periodicals and such other works, as may be so determined by the Managing Committee. They will be issued for consultation in the reference Room to members during working hours. Arrangements have also been Provided for taking down notes.
The women and Children’s Section
The women and children’s section can be made use of by women and children at all working hours.
The Members Room
The Members Room is intended for the exclusive use of the members. Latest copies of all periodicals got down for the institution will be available at the Member’s Room. The Library is subscribing for 20 Foreign Publications. It also receives about 100 periodicals as gifts.

The Reading Room

The Reading Room will be kept open to the members as well as the General Public free of any charge.


Selected periodicals will be supplied to those who desire to borrow back issues which they may retain for 5 days free of charge.


The Library and Reading Room will function on all the 7 days in a week except on notified holidays. The number of holidays in a year will be 18 for the Library and 10 for the Library and 10 for the reading Room.

10.00 am. To 7.00p.m
On Sunday
9.30 am to 5.00pm
Reading Room 8.00 am to 8.00 pm

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